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4 Tips to Accelerate Your Spring Recruiting

4 Tips to Accelerate Your Spring Recruiting

The competition for talent is tougher than ever, and recruiters need to rethink every part of the process. Long gone are the days of hundreds of applicants lining up to try and land that coveted spot at your company. Now it’s more important than ever to be agile and...

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Toss Your Resume – Not So Fast!

Toss Your Resume – Not So Fast!

So, you want to ditch the resume and search online for your next opportunity to land that perfect job. No problem! There are lots of apps advertised that say that a resume is not required. We even put a tag line to it at Capango – No Resumes, Just Jobs!

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12 Questions YOU Should Ask During An Interview

12 Questions YOU Should Ask During An Interview

As any big event you care about approaches, you’re going to feel a mix of emotions including nerves and excitement—and an interview is no different. One way to combat the nerves is to be prepared. It’s easy to anticipate the questions they are going to ask you, but what about the questions you should be asking them?

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How To Deal With Annoying Coworkers

How To Deal With Annoying Coworkers

Let’s face it—there’s always going to be someone in your life who isn’t the most pleasant person to be around. While this might be difficult to handle at times, there are ways to get in the right head space to properly deal with the situation.

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From CoWorkers to BFFS

From CoWorkers to BFFS

Unless you’ve got the secret to winning the lottery, you’ve gotta work for a living. C’est la vie. But work doesn’t have to be a drag, and it certainly helps if you’re buddies with your coworkers. The benefits of having friends at work are seemingly endless.

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Innovating Recruitment in 2024

Innovating Recruitment in 2024

Capango's Vision for Navigating the Tough Labor Market In the dynamic landscape of today's labor market, recruiting hourly staff for retail, restaurants, and hospitality demands a revolutionary approach. Recognizing that a traditional posting on a job board is no...

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The New Year’s Job Shuffle

The New Year’s Job Shuffle

As we head into the final days of the holiday season it’s time to relax, enjoy family and think about both the challenges of the past year and the opportunities that lay ahead. While we celebrate and enjoy some time off, there is also the nagging realization that the...

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2020 – A Year Of Growth

2020 – A Year Of Growth

While 2020 has certainly been a challenging environment to launch a company, the Capango team has had a record breaking year and our business partners, clients and the entire retail / restaurant industry has been amazing to work with.

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3 Things to Look for When Searching for a Retail Job

3 Things to Look for When Searching for a Retail Job

When job seekers think about working in retail, the first few things that come to mind might be dealing with difficult customers, organizing and restocking items all day long, struggling at the register, and the crazy holidays and big sale events.

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Five Things To Consider When Choosing the Right Job For You

Five Things To Consider When Choosing the Right Job For You

Everybody faces a choice at one time or another of what to do for work. Whether it’s starting a brand-new job when you’re just out of college, making a change a couple years in from a job that’s not working for you, a mid-career change, or even later in life when you’ve already achieved personal heights in one area and are thinking to apply yourself somewhere else.

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Diffusing The Most Difficult Of Customers

Diffusing The Most Difficult Of Customers

The customer is always right—or so we’ve been told. Retailers are presented with the task of retaining customers, no matter the cost. And YOU, the ever vigilant retail execution hero, are on the front lines—even with those difficult customers.

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Job Launchpad – Recruiting for Gen Z

Job Launchpad – Recruiting for Gen Z

Before I tell you about Job Launchpad, it’s probably helpful to explain how we got here, and what we discovered about Gen Z recruiting that is important to your retail business. Firstly, let me be clear – I’m a boomer, and how I think about my employment and my...

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5 Steps to Better Recruiting

5 Steps to Better Recruiting

Every day the news has another article on the challenges retailers and restaurants are having finding qualified, available, hourly talent. Business owners are frustrated, and after the staffing turmoil due to Covid-19 this new obstacle is preventing the business...

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Step Up Your Recruiting Game

Step Up Your Recruiting Game

Step up your recruiting game – How social apps are changing the industry. The world is moving to social hiring. This shift is inevitable, and we can either adapt or fall behind. This is especially true for some sectors, like retail and restaurants.

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What to Wear – And Not To Wear – To An Interview

What to Wear – And Not To Wear – To An Interview

Interviewing can be a stressful ordeal, and one aspect of that is deciding what to wear to the interview itself. You want to make a good impression, come across as professional, and leave the interviewer with the sense that you’d be a great fit for their position. It seems simple—until it comes time to pick your clothes out of the closet.

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5 Tricks To Be Happier At Work: Starting Today!

5 Tricks To Be Happier At Work: Starting Today!

We spend the majority of our waking hours at work—but let’s face it, work can be stressful. What’s worse is that we tend to bring our work frustrations back home with us. Here are a few tricks to be happier at work, starting today.

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